Wednesday 22 August 2012

As Ye Sow, Pleasance Jack Dome, 22nd August

Mid day seems a funny time for a horror but that's the Fringe for you.

This is a four hander set in the tired nursing home bedroom of retired farmer, Clifford. The other characters are his daughter, a nurse and a reluctant electrician. Its quite a traditional but simple box set that really is necessary for this piece.

 Re-recording of Kenton and David from the Archers let it down a bit. Bad impressions and stilted speach. Could easily be rectified. This was a clever device but not quite done well enough.

The company, who specialise in horrror, are based in London but all the accents in this piece stem from the North West of England. It was written by one of the company's artistic directors. A simple yet effective story with a slow unveiling of the truth and a good twist. Acting was fantastic with the nurse providing a good dose of humour to marchthe piece along. It only lasted 45 minutes but didn't drag at all. Not sure if they'd be able to extend it that much to fill an evening in a village hall. It is not a piece that would lend itself to an interval as the work depends on a building tension.

Good rural references and set in the North West but it might be a little technically demanding for rural touring due to the lighting. I was warned that sight lines were poor so grabbed a seat on the front row. That said it wasn't that bad. Nothing that a stage block or two wouldn't sort out. Probably worth keeping an eye on the company.

Review by Robert Howell from Spot On Rural Touring

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